Change Your Life

First Step

The father of American Literature, Mark Twain, once said: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started”… Getting started, or “the first step” as I would like to call my niche, is a critical step in any project in our life, be it a career, business, or starting a family. If that first step was not taken properly, the result you end up with along the way would be further and further away from what you originally desired.

One of my all-time favorite ‘first step’ and maybe the most significant in mankind’s history is the first step on the moon. Just imagine the immense knowledge, hard work, risk, belief, challenges, and perseverance it took to take that beautiful and ever inspiring first step.

As I learned in coaching, the first step is not just to start a project in your life, it’s also to review the first step taken in the past, maybe 10 or 20 years ago. I use various awareness practices at the beginning of the coaching relationship to help create clarity in many ways. This is the first step, a new and fresh approach aligned with your values and dreams… So, I invite you to take a new first step with me.

Three Steps to Your Success

Make an appointment

Discovery session

Start the first step into your journey